Gut health making you feel like junk?

Gut health can have a significant impact on hormone balance through various mechanisms. Here are some ways in which gut health influences hormones: Overall, maintaining a healthy gut through proper diet, stress management, and lifestyle habits is crucial for supporting optimal hormone balance and overall well-being. Several foods are important for promoting gut health due…

Mindfulness: 4 steps to start cultivating mindfulness now!

When you are trying to work on your relationship with yourself or others, mindfulness is so important. Mindfulness allows you to be thoughtful and present. It keeps you from ping-ponging between the past and the future. So what is it that you want to see happen in your life? It’s pretty popular for people to…

Why is belly fat so hard to lose?

Why is belly fat so hard to lose? Here are 3 reasons for this and something to help you! If you prefer a video, check out this YouTube video : Belly fat tends to be the LAST place for you to see anything happen when you are trying to lose weight. Have you ever wondered…

5 foods for weight loss

5 foods for weight loss I talk with a lot of women who are focused on cutting foods out of their diet so that they can lose the weight that they want. For me personally, I found that this just created a bad relationship with food. I found that I would crave those foods more….

How to lose weight without cutting carbs- 5 tips for you

How to lose weight without cutting carbs Here’s the YouTube video that you can check out as well. There are many different diets out there. I was a diet hopper. I know people that diet hopped. It created a feeling of frustration. It created a feeling of self doubt. It feels like nothing works. Many…

10 High-Fiber foods that you NEED to be eating!

10 High-Fiber foods that you NEED to be eating. Fiber is incredibly important. It helps to keep your gut healthy so that you can get the nutrition that you need. Your guts also plays a large role in having a strong immune system. There are different types of fiber may also promote weight loss, lower…

Simple strategies to help fight fatigue

Simple strategies to help fight fatigue. There’s a lot that happens in a day between work, home and life in general. I’m a pretty active person between working, walking the dogs three miles a day, taking care of the horses, and everything that I do around the house. I actually get up at 3:30am and…

What does liquid collagen do?

What does liquid collagen do? Collagen is not something that many people talk about, except maybe when they are at a consultation for Botox. Ouch! I actually learned about collagen when I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. A friend of mine recommended that I look in to collagen to help with the joint pain. I…

5 ways to stop cravings for unhealthy foods

5 ways to stop cravings for unhealthy foods! If you are like me, food cravings are one of the biggest things that lead to scarfing down way more food than you need! It’s annoying and frustrating. There are a few things that you can do to fight these cravings. 2. Eat more protein- Protein has…

How to change your mindset to attract weight loss

How to change your mindset to attract weight loss. When it comes to losing weight and eating healthy, your mindset plays a large role. Most people have favorite foods that they are used to eating. Many people eat the same types of foods throughout the day. These habits become engraved in our minds. I am…