Starting off the New Year with the vision of health

I have been sick off and on for the last three years! The last year was the worst when I was struggling with Lyme disease. I saw seven different doctors and specialists and not a single one could figure out how to help me. I had all sorts of tests run including ct scans, blood…

New Years Resolutions…

Did you decide on a New Years Resolution? I have a couple things in mine that I plan on sticking with. No matter what your goals are… whether they are for your health, mindset, business, family, or another area… make the goal that you will keep with it this year. Every year I hear of…

Sweet winter treats that you don’t have to feel guilty about

During the holidays…and the winter months in general…sugary treats and beverages are EVERYWHERE! When you visit friends and family, typically there is some sort of desert to tempt you. Also, a lot of the classic holiday items tend to be full of sugar and other ingredients that sabotage your diet efforts and cause inflammation and…

Consistency will bring results

Your efforts will shine through. I keep telling you that my mentor is doing another course. It hasn’t even started yet and I am already getting results from the things that she is teaching us to do. I had created a post in our group to celebrate my successes and so many people were cheering…

Hot chocolate and candy canes

My favorite treat in the winter months is hot chocolate. It’s that one thing that just brings all the warm childhood memories to life again. I have been making time specifically to watch some favorite movies and think about things that I did as a child. Making sugar cookies, building snowmen, having snowball fights, and…

Stop putting your goals on the back-burner!

Meeting your goals is all about taking action💯 One step at a time you can move forward… But you have to take that first step. When I started my health journey I was so worn out and frustrated. I felt like the world had given up on me. No one had answers as to why…

Holiday Temptations

Do you feel like during the holidays that everyone feels the need to bake all sorts of goodies? Each treat is so pretty and you just want to try it because you feel that it is expected of you…and everyone else is eating it as well! You have three choices…. One is that you can…

What happened in my first clean eating challenge!

I know I didn’t cover my first challenge as often as I had wanted to in the beginning. There are some great changes that came out of it though. When I first started the challenge, my goal was to eliminate the sugar cravings and reduce stress eating. I am a horrible stress eater. Sometimes the…

Day 14 of the clean eating challenge

I probably should have done more coverage over the past two weeks, but I wasn’t sure that there was enough to talk about at the time… I am almost 2 weeks into the clean eating challenge now 🙌🏻 I had some trouble in the beginning as everyone does when they start changing their diet or introducing…

Day 2 Clean eating challenge

Day 2 of the clean eating challenge 💖 We had a busy day of cleaning and barn chores. It was so sunny and nice today! The dogs and I went on a three mile walk to reward ourselves for a productive morning. I also got some pony time in and rode moose for a couple…