How to get clear skin: 5 proven tips for glowing skin

How to get clear skin: 5 proven tips for glowing skin

Even as an adult, I still struggled with acne and eczema.

These were things that I thought most people grew out of as they got older.

That was not that case for me.

I’m 32 ears old and until about a year ago, I was using acne face wash and lotions with ingredients that I could not even pronounce.

If I tried something new, the problems would flare up.

When that happened, it seemed like it took forever for my skin to clear up again.

Can you relate?

First things first…

I think it goes without saying. We have all heard this one.


During the day your skin builds up oils, dirt, and chemicals from the environment.

This will clog up your pores and cause more blemishes.

It’s good to wash it all away and give your skin a chance to breathe.

Exfoliation is also important.

Once in a while this is a good practice to help remove dead skin cells and clean away the gunk that was not removed when you washed your face.

I find that in the winter this helps to reduce those weird dry patches or flaky skin.

You would think a moisturizer would make those go away, but it’s hard for moisturizer to get through dead skin.

So exfoliate it away, and  before you put a moisturizer on.

You will see a big difference FAST!

Changing your pillowcase often will not only help clear up your skin, but also reduce allergies so you can breathe at night and during the day.

This is especially important if you have pets.

If your pets are anything like mine, they love to sleep on the pillows during the day!

Do yourself a favor and buy yourself some extra pillowcases.

You will notice an immediate difference!

Of course drinking more water will help to clear up your skin.

Water hydrates and flushes bad stuff out of your body.

I started drinking alkaline water because a friend recommended it.

I honestly don’t know if it matters, but I have read about a lot of benefits that research has found.

You can check out an article HERE that is pretty interesting.

Eating healthier will clear up your skin and give you a nice glow as well…yes that means some veggies…

Your parents probably told you that you needed to eat your veggies.

It’s a known fact that healthier food is better for you, and that sugars and too much fat is not good for you.

Honestly, if you want to feel better about your skin and not have to layer on the cover up, it’s going to have to happen.

One thing that I found helpful to add to my routine is green water or green juice.

You may be thinking  that you don’t have time to make that fresh everyday….I get it…

I don’t either.

That’s why I use a greens powder that is packed with veggies and herbs.

I drink it every morning with or before breakfast.

One scoop in some juice or water and that’s it!

I have tried a few different brands, but this one has been the easiest to mix and doesn’t taste chalky like some of the others.

There are different products that you can get for all of this.

I recommend checking the ingredients.

Many companies add chemicals that can cause future problems.

And after my initial battle with Lyme Disease, I want to use products that are safe, clean and pure.

That’s why I choose to use these products.

You can check out what they offer here.

Whatever products you choose to use, following these steps will help to give you clear and blemish free skin that you won’t have to hide under layers of make up.

A few simple changes can make a world of difference.


If you want more tips, check out this video

Until next time!


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